Translation and Adaptation

Translation and adaptation of the book Our Bodies, Ourselves

The project for the translation and adaptation of the book Ou Bodies, Ourselves involves the practice of translation and the curation of specialized and technical content, which encompasses theoretical discussions on collaborative translation, as well as on the political aspect of women`s health and reproductive rights, adapting it to the target public.

This worldly acknowledged book, which has been translated into more than 30 languages, will have its first translation into Portuguese as a result of a project between the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Unicamp and the Faculty of Letters of the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.

The translation, revision, and adaptation of OBOS might generate crucial data for future studies. They will also possibilitate discussions and research on the role of volunteering as part of the training of translators and researchers on translation.

Our translators speak out

Desenvolvido por Wisley Vilela